About the blog

What is the blog about?

Mia (12 years old) realises that she encounters the topics of climate, climate change etc. everywhere: people talk about them at school, demonstrations take place on the streets… She sets off with her arctic fox Mika in search of answers to all her questions and takes you on an exciting journey of discovery.

Since May 2021, Mia has been reporting on climate, weather and what climate change means on the blog ‘Mia’s Climate Diary’. Together you will find out what climate researchers do, what it really looks like in the Arctic and what exciting things are happening in the major research project (AC)³.

So the blog is aimed at you children and you can take part: If you have a climate issue that concerns you, please send us an e-mail.

Who is behind Mia?

Sure, Mia is a fictional character. You’ve probably already figured that out. But the fantasy with her is really beautiful. Mia is the product of Simone Lindemann’s creativity. Behind the individual blog entries are the ideas and answers of over 100 scientists from the (AC)³ research project. They conduct research from the tropics to the icy Arctic and have even seen polar bears. But read all this for yourself in the climate diary.

Mia’s climate diary is currently being coordinated by a group of scientists from the Institute of Meteorology at Leipzig University and supported by Leonard Roemer as a student assistant:

Fathima Cherichi Purayil
Hannah Marie Eichholz
Nina Maherndl
Patrizia Schoch
Sophie Vliegen
Leonard Roemer

Simone Lindemann was awarded the “Hauptpreis Transfer” by the Universitätsgesellschaft of Leipzig University for her work on Mia’s climate diary.


Mia visiting Simone. Picture: Universitätsgesellschaft Leipzig and Simone Lindemann