Contact persons and legal provisions


Universität Leipzig
Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie
SFB/TR 172
Stephanstraße 3
04103 Leipzig

P.O. Box address

Postfach 100920
04009 Leipzig

No access for electronically signed and encrypted electronic documents.

Leipzig University is a corporation under public law. It is legally represented by the Rector, Prof Dr med Beate A. Schücking.

Responsible supervisory authority

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus, Wigardstraße 17, 01097 Dresden,

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer in accordance with § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz

DE 141510383

Responsible for content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV

Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch, Sprecher des Sonderforschungsbereiches SFB/TR 172


Simone Lindemann


Simone Lindemann

Patrizia Schoch

Editorial team

Fathima Cherichi Purayil

Hannah Marie Eichholz

Nina Maherndl

Patrizia Schoch

Sophie Vliegen

Web design

Webdesign aus Leipzig by


The content of this website has been carefully prepared and checked by scientists from the research project (AC)3 . Contributions labelled by name reflect the opinion of the author. No liability is assumed.

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